Publications in shared/bib.bib - Year: 2017
22 results
[22]Hyku, the Japanese Nightingale in Pashto Garden\protect \RLهائيکو، جاپاني بلبله د پښتو په چمن زار کښې (), In Pashto, volume 46, . [bibtex]
[21]Technical and Intellectual Review of Zaitoon Bano’s Fictions\protect \RLد زېتون بانو د افسانې مختصر فکري او فني جاج (), In Pashto, volume 46, . [bibtex]
[20]A Study of Expressional Music in Poetry of Ghani Khan\protect \RLد غنی خان په شاعرۍکښې لفظي موسيقۍ لنډ جاج ( and ), In Pashto, volume 46, . [bibtex]
[19]Validity of Hadiths from Sehah-e-Setha written in Dastar Nama\protect \RLپه دستارنامه کښې د صحاح سته دحديثونو تخريج (), In Pashto, volume 46, . [bibtex]
[18]The Revolutionary Aspect of Pashto Tapa\protect \RL (), In Pashto, volume 46, . [bibtex]
[17]Sketch Writing: Structure, Kinds and Development\protect \RLخاکه نګاري: هېئت، ډولونه اوارتقاء ( and ), In Pashto, volume 46, . [bibtex]
[16]Some Omitted Names in the Poetry of Khushal\protect \RLد خوشحال په کلام کښې ځينې وران کړي شوي نومونه ( and ), In Pashto, volume 46, . [bibtex]
[15]A Study of Some of the Poetic Features in Folk Literature appeared in Olas Journal\protect \RLپه اولس مجله كښې د ځينو اولسي ادب شعري اصنافو ته اجمالي كتنه ( and ), In Pashto, volume 46, . [bibtex]
[14]A Study of Romantism, Meaning, Definition and Evolution\protect \RLرومانويت: تعريف ، مفهوم، ابتدا او ارتقاء يو بحث ( and ), In Pashto, volume 46, . [bibtex]
[13]Literature of Migration\protect \RLادب المهجر (), In Pashto, volume 46, . [bibtex]
[12]Corpus Linguistics\protect \RLکارپس ژبپوهنه (), In Pashto, volume 46, . [bibtex]
[11]Tradition of Sociological Thoughts in Pashto Poetry\protect \RLپښتو شاعرۍ کښې د عمراني افکارو روايت (), In Pashto, volume 46, . [bibtex]
[10]Research and Critical Analysis of Swat Nama\protect \RLد سوات نامه تحقيقي او تنقيدي جائزه (), In Pashto, volume 46, . [bibtex]
[9]Pashtoon National Desires in Pukhtoon Folklore\protect \RLپه پښتني فولکلور کښې پښتنے ارمان (), In Pashto, volume 46, . [bibtex]
[8]Professor Nawaz Tair’s contributions to Pashto free verses\protect \RLپښتو ازاد نظم ته د پروفېسر محمد نواز طائر بخښنې (), In Pashto, volume 46, . [bibtex]
[7]Raising And Control: A Case Of Parametric Variation Across Pashto And English\protect \RL ( and ), In Pashto, volume 46, . [bibtex]
[6]Epical Elements in Pashto Tappa\protect \RLپښتو ټپه (), In Pashto, volume 46, . [bibtex]
[5]Poetic Relationship of Landay and Dwabaiti\protect \RLد لنډۍ او دوبېتي عروضي جوړښت او پرتلنه (), In Pashto, volume 46, . [bibtex]
[4]Impact of Rehman Baba on Poetry of Ali Khan\protect \RLد علي خان په کلام د رحمان بابا اثر ( and ), In Pashto, volume 46, . [bibtex]
[3]The Portrayal of Sultan Muhammad Khan in “A Vizier’s Daughter; A Tale of the Hazara War”\protect \RL ( and ), In Pashto, volume 46, . [bibtex]
[2]THE KINGDOM OF SWAT AND THE LOST TAJIKS OF NORTH PAKISTAN\protect \RL (), In Pashto, volume 46, . [bibtex]
[1]Critical Study of Printed Texts of Khair-ul-Bayan; in Light of Established Principles of Textual Criticism\protect \RLد خېر البيان چاپي متون: يوه تنقيدي مطالعه (د متن څېړني، د اصولو په رڼا کښې) (), In Pashto, volume 46, . [bibtex]
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