Publications in shared/bib.bib - Year: 2018
37 results
[37]Language, dialect, and Accent\protect \RLژبه، لهجه او اېکسنټ (), In Pashto, volume 47, . [bibtex]
[36]Poetesses of Dir\protect \RLد دير زنانه شاعرانې (), In Pashto, volume 47, . [bibtex]
[35]The Critical Analysis of Human Behavior in the Poetry of Ikramullah Gran\protect \RLد اکرام الله ګران په شاعرۍ کښې د انساني رويو څېړنه ( and ), In Pashto, volume 47, . [bibtex]
[34]Anticolonial Discourse in the works of Ghani Khan\protect \RL (), In Pashto, volume 47, . [bibtex]
[33]The Imagination of Human Freedom in the Poetry of Miraz Khan Ansari\protect \RLد ميرزا خان انصاري په شاعرۍ کښې د انساني ازادۍ تصور ( and ), In Pashto, volume 47, . [bibtex]
[32]Different Forms of Modernism\protect \RLد جديديت بېلا بېل صورتونه ( and ), In Pashto, volume 47, . [bibtex]
[31]Doing Pukhto: Pukhtunwali as an Ideal Code of Life among Daudzai Pukhtuns of Peshawar, Pakistan\protect \RL ( and ), In Pashto, volume 47, . [bibtex]
[30]The Imagination of Beauty of Great Hamza Baba\protect \RLستر حمزه بابا د حسن تصورات (), In Pashto, volume 47, . [bibtex]
[29]Strengthening the nexus between Quality of Education and Total Factor Productivity in Pakistan under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): With a Focus on Khyber Pakhtunkhawa\protect \RL (), In Pashto, volume 47, . [bibtex]
[28]Variety in the content of Pashto Short story\protect \RLد پښتو افسانې محتوائي بدلون (), In Pashto, volume 47, . [bibtex]
[27]Life and Circumstances of Bayaz\protect \RLبياض ژوند او حالات ( and ), In Pashto, volume 47, . [bibtex]
[26]An analysis of Anwar and Mangal’s elegy\protect \RLد انور او منګل مرثيې يوه څېړنه ( and ), In Pashto, volume 47, . [bibtex]
[25]The technical and Conceptual Study of the Novel “Banzay”\protect \RLناول "بنزے" فني او فکري څېړنه (), In Pashto, volume 47, . [bibtex]
[24]An Analytical Study of Social and Psychological Problems in the Context of Female Non-Fiction Prose\protect \RLد پښتو په جديده ښځينه غېر افسانوي نثر کښې د ښځو د سماجي او نفسياتي مسئلو يوه تجزياتي مطالعه (), In Pashto, volume 47, . [bibtex]
[23]Romantic Stories Telecasted form Peshawar Television Centre, Peshawar (1975 – 1980)\protect \RLپېښور ټيليويژن ډرامو کښې روماني قيصې (۱۹۷۵ء نه تر ۱۹۸۰ء پورې) (), In Pashto, volume 47, . [bibtex]
[22]The Satire and Humour in the Poetry of Ghani Khan\protect \RLد غني خان په کلام کښې طنز و مزاح (), In Pashto, volume 47, . [bibtex]
[21]Modern Pashto Poem in Bannu\protect \RLجديد پښتو نظم په بنو کښې ( and ), In Pashto, volume 47, . [bibtex]
[20]The Life and Literary Services of Prof. Dr. Salma Shaheen\protect \RLد پروفېسر ډاکټر سلمْى شاهين ( تمغۀ امتياز) ژوند او ادبي خدمات (), In Pashto, volume 47, . [bibtex]
[19]Pantheism and Romanticism in Pashto Poetry\protect \RLوحدت الوجود او رومانيت (د پښتو شاعرۍ په رڼا کښې) ( and ), In Pashto, volume 47, . [bibtex]
[18]Importance of Love Poetry among Arabs and Pashtoon Poets\protect \RLد عربي او پښتو شاعرانو څخه د عشقیه شاعرۍ مقام (), In Pashto, volume 47, . [bibtex]
[17]Forensic Linguistics\protect \RLفارنزک ژبپوهنه (), In Pashto, volume 47, . [bibtex]
[16]Relations Between Literature and Psychology\protect \RLد ادبياتو او ارواپوهنې اړيکې (), In Pashto, volume 47, . [bibtex]
[15]Noor-Nama of Akhun Miandad as a Leading Figure of the Akhun Darweza School of Thought\protect \RLد اخون ميا داد نور نامه: د دروېزه ادبي مکتب د استازي په حېث ( and ), In Pashto, volume 47, . [bibtex]
[14]Akhun Salak as Prose Writer of the Darweza School of Thought\protect \RLاخون څالاک: د دروېزه ادبي مکتب د يو نثر نګار غړي په حېث ( and ), In Pashto, volume 47, . [bibtex]
[13]A Critical Analysis of Two Novels Gul Khan and Amanat of Dr Sher Zaman Taizi\protect \RLد ډاكټر شېر زمان طائزي د ناولونو ګل خان او امانت تنقيدي جائزه (), In Pashto, volume 47, . [bibtex]
[12]Introduction of Qasim Ali Khan’s Pashto manuscript\protect \RLد قاسم علي خان د پښتو ديوان د قلمي نسخې پېژندګلو (), In Pashto, volume 47, . [bibtex]
[11]Pashtu Marsiya and Local Genres of Pashto Literature\protect \RLپښتو مرثيه او د پښتو ادب مقامي اصناف (), In Pashto, volume 47, . [bibtex]
[10]Theoretical Discussions of Terms Formation\protect \RLد اصطلاحات سازۍ نظري مباحث (), In Pashto, volume 47, . [bibtex]
[9]Tappa and Ajmal Khattak\protect \RLټپه او اجمل خټک (), In Pashto, volume 47, . [bibtex]
[8]The Element of Moralism in Pashto Sayings\protect \RLپښتو متلونه او د اخلاقياتو تعليمات (), In Pashto, volume 47, . [bibtex]
[7]An Analysis Of Postmodernism In Pashto Fiction\protect \RLپښتو فکشن کښې د مابعد جديديت تجزيه (), In Pashto, volume 47, . [bibtex]
[6]Shangla: Cultural and Historical Study\protect \RLشانګله : يوه کلتوري او تاريخي مطالعه ( and ), In Pashto, volume 47, . [bibtex]
[5]Ashraf Maftoon as a Romantic Poet\protect \RLاشرف مفتون په حېث د رومانوي شاعر ( and ), In Pashto, volume 47, . [bibtex]
[4]Rehthoric Reflection in the Poetry of Rehman Baba\protect \RLد رحمان بابا کلام د علم بديع په رڼا کښې ( and ), In Pashto, volume 47, . [bibtex]
[3]Pashto Adabi Tolana: History and Contributions\protect \RL ( and ), In Pashto, volume 47, . [bibtex]
[2]Faqir Shah Miskin in the Light of his Folk Poetry\protect \RLفقير شاه مسکين (۱۹۳۹ء – ۲۰۰۲ء) د خپلې اولسي شاعرۍ په ٰائينه کښې ( and ), In Pashto, volume 47, . [bibtex]
[1]The Artistic Value in the Poetry of Abdul Qadir Khan Khattak\protect \RLد عبدالقادر خان شاعرۍ کښې فني خوبۍ ( and ), In Pashto, volume 47, . [bibtex]
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